The technical delivery regulation TL A-0023 „Adhesive bonding and related processes – Quality requirements for manufacturing and repair companies for military products“ was published for the first time by the BAAINBw (Bundesamt für Ausrüstung, Informationstechnik und Nutzung der Bundeswehr) on September 15, 2017. By now version 3 with issue date 26.06.2023 is up to date and available for you in our download area (see right).
This technical delivery specification describes the requirements for the production of bonding and sealing in the manufacture and repair of components and products for the German Armed Forces. TL A-0023 is based on DIN 2304-1 supplemented with defence-specific further subdivisions and requirements:
Component categories
The component classes are defined by the manufacturer (design officer) for the respective bonding/sealing based on the stress, the safety significance and the usability of the component. The user must comply with the defined requirements in the area of quality assurance in accordance with the component class. The requirements for the personnel’s necessary qualification level are also defined according to the
component classes.
Subdivision into manufacturer (H) and repairer (I)
User companies responsible for the design and process are considered to be manufacturers within the meaning of TL A-0023. Companies who manufacture in accordance with third-party drawings and their own process planning are considered manufacturers in the sense of TL A-0023. The restriction (without construction) is noted in the certificate. Repairers are the operating companies who repair defence products in accordance with repair instructions.
Subdivision in accordance with application
The H- or I-classes are further subdivided in accordance with the application:
- H1 / I1: General products
- H2 / I2: Protective function
- H3 / I3: Airworthiness
Operational qualification
The company’s operational qualification is required for component classes BK1, BK2 and BK3. Verification of this must be provided to a Recognised Body accredited by the WIWeB (Wehrwissenschaftliches Institut für Werk- und Betriebsstoffe). Our certification body has been recognised as a Recognised Body by WIWeB for certifications in this field since 10.07.2018.
Further information can be found in the right column in the download area.